Monthly Archives

July 2009

July 26, 2009

No Boxes, Please

I'm beginning to be concerned about a very bad trend in Kuwaiti residential design. Clients are asking for a 'modern' look and style without really understanding what it is they're asking for. To most people, it means a cold, boxy, straight edged look with lots…
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July 18, 2009

Peer-Based Learning

A wonderful collection of ideas on learning and teaching by John Seely Brown. Please take the time to watch the entire ten minute video. (Youtube) I think we can all agree that the Arab pedagogical mode, with its absolute respect and reverence for the Teacher,…
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July 13, 2009

Climate in Kuwait

Kuwait is hot and arid. Most people complain that the sun prevents any kind of outdoor or pedestrian activity during most of the year. How can we manipulate the weather in such a way as to create microclimates that can produce tolerable and even pleasant…
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July 10, 2009

The Kuwaiti Home

What is a Kuwaiti home? How do we define it? To begin answering this question, we first have to define what being Kuwaiti and living a Kuwaiti lifestyle is and then attempt to manifest this into a built environment. A home has to find a…
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